This is way late, but yeah, I'm the proud mama of a 4-month old. 4 1/2 month old now, sheesh. These pictures were taken on the 29th of December. What with the holidays and packing (!) we've been so very busy. I'll post more of an update for the 5 months post but I just want to say that my love cups runneth over for you, little person. The way you'll start sucking on my nose if I stick it in your mouth. The
way, when you're howling with fury, you fling your hands out and they
tremble. The way you look as I
take you out of the sink (where bathtime is), blinking, serious, and naked
right before we throw the hooded towel over and I pat you dry with lots
of kisses. You smile hugely and your eyes crinkle as I'm tickling you on the changing table. How your lips curl as I'm pulling you up to sit while holding onto your hands. You discovered how to make fart noises with your mouth and the intensity with which you do it is nothing short of impressive. The goofy, gummy grin you get when I stand you up and you see the world from this new vantage point. And the way you bobble and wobble all the while. The first of a lifetime of laughs, more of a grunting sound really. The pride I feel when carrying you around in the ergo, I've never been more excited to run errands.
I could go on but I'll wait. I am just filled to the brim. Thanks God, for choosing me to be her mama!