Wednesday, 27 June 2012

This one's for the father of my children.

Father's Day was quiet around here. Steve was up at five and out of the house by six, the usual when he has to work. He very sweetly wore the SuperPapa emblem and cape I set out for him under his scrubs...and then he was gone for the day, leaving us to our own devices. I was a little sad for him --that he couldn't celebrate his day the way he would have liked, but that's any healthcare profession. It's not a Monday-to-Friday job and that's both a great and a not-so-great thing.

Happily, though, a few days later he got to call the shots on his re-do Papa's Day. Breakfast in bed (Wugs was beside herself with excitement), time alone, time with his girls, walking to an Italian restaurant near our apartment for dinner. As Mila often says...GOOD DAAAAY.

I say this all the time to myself, but not enough around here. It is such a privilege getting to watch Steve be a Papa to our girl, and I can't wait to watch the love multiply in just a few months. He is patient, kind, funny, loving, firm when he needs to be, crazy silly when he needs to be. Perfect for her. Perfect for us. Watching him makes me be a better parent. The best decision I ever made was when I said yes* to a life with this man.

Here's a tiny little thank you video to the father of my children. And enjoy the lil' video snippets where I'm trying to coach Mila to say Happy Papa's Day! Is her voice not the sweetest, most singsongy melodic straight-from-an-angel-angelic sounding? I think so, too.
p.s. My favorite part is at the 1:05 mark, where Mila thinks I'm taking her picture and shouts out TEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASE! (cheese) ;)

* Which, coincidentally, was nine years ago today! Happy engagement day to us crazy kids.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

These last couple weeks.

We are very slowly trying to feel our way back to some kind of routine  again. Hawaii threw us for quite a loop (a good one), and I swear I  fought hard against getting back into the swing of things. We  don't really have any kind of hard and fast schedule around here  anyways, what with Steve working different days each week, but for Mila I  try to keep a nice rhythm that works for us. Anyhow, here are the last couple weeks, our segue into summer, according mostly to my instagram  account (@taniaweibel).

1. Wildflower spotting  2. Our close Knuffle Bunny-like abandonment of Baa at the beach. 3. In Mila's heaven there is a carousel. 4. Mila watching the roller coaster riders at Train Town. 5. Such joy at playing in the fountain. We get in. Every time. 6. I'm conducting a personal panzanella salad-off this summer. 7. Mila and Mama body-painting afternoon. 8. More panzanella, on heavy rotation around here. 9-12. Strawberry picking! 13. There are also trains in Mila's heaven. 14. Feeding goats. 15. Carousel. 16-17. Strawberries everywhere. 18. Wugs' 1st ferris wheel ride! She loved it. 19. Blimp spotting.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Me, in Hawaii

Well, here goes.
I'm elated to say there were four of us relaxing on Kauai this past week!
I'm sixteen weeks pregnant and will have a lot to be thankful for come Thanksgiving.

Actually, I already do. xo