Wednesday, 26 September 2012

32 weeks.

So this is what 32 weeks looks like on me this time around. Of course my sidekick had to get in on the fun, because if we were taking belly shots we mustn't forget that MIYA HAVE BABY IN BEYEE TOO! so she wasn't to be left out.  I was more than happy to oblige, belly shots are way more fun with a buddy.

This pregnancy has been so different than with Mila. It started off the same and I just chalked up the exhaustion to running after a toddler, but now I have to admit it's been a different world altogether. The day after Mila's birthday I found out I had gestational diabetes and (warning: understatement ahead) things haven't been easy since what with changing the way I eat, snack, and plan our meals. I'm still trying to figure it all out, and energy levels have plummeted even more. I know many women have much more difficult pregnancies--bless you women!--and this too shall pass. Some days are better than others. And on baby's birthday you'll find me eating a huge slice of delicious cake as I'm nursing my new babe since sweets are pretty much taboo these days. Seriously! I already have a bakery lined up.

Things are looking up, though. With Steve's patience and help we're lowering my numbers and so far it's all being managed with diet and exercise. Next Monday we'll complete our 5th and final HypnoBirthing class, then this morning we met with a new obstetrician in the practice who's enthusiastic and open to facilitating that kind of birth. All of the HypnoBirthing warrants a separate post but I'm very excited about it.

And last weekend we rearranged our bedroom, set up a couple things like the pack 'n play (baby will be co-sleeping/sleeping in the pack 'n play bassinet for now) and changing pad atop the dresser, and decluttered. It's amazing how settled and prepared we feel just from that little bit of effort. So here's to working with what we've got and making the best of everything in this last trimester. We haven't forgotten that at the end of this road there's our perfect 4th family member waiting for us. Soon, little one! You're worth it.

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