Friday, 1 February 2013

Big Girl Bed Hurrahs.

We've rounded the corner on yet another milestone: the Big Girl Bed. Proper noun. Oh yes. In what may be one of the biggest Weibel leaps of faith yet, we decided to go straight from crib to the twin bed when we moved. Our beloved crib was on its last legs, Dani was going to need a new one*, so we bid it farewell in California and started pumping Mila up for her new Big Girl Bed. 

And I have to say, of all the transitions we've put this poor girl through in the last few months, this one went the smoothest. Maybe it's all the talking about it, or maybe it's because we 'unveiled' her new room to her all decorated and decked out in a big ta-da moment. But she's done fabulously and with the exception of the nightly PAPA PUT BLANKET ON game (that's here to stay for awhile, isn't it?) --it's been a pleasure. 

So to celebrate how proud we are, a cake was in order. Big Girl Bed cake. And since Mila's new sheets have gold polka dots, her cake had gold(ish) polka dots (cake balls!) on the inside. Surprise! (what else...pinterest!)

Mila's 1st nap in her B.G.B., January 18th

*although confession: Dani hasn't slept one wink in that crib. I love co-sleeping with my girl! The other night I nervously suggested to Steve that maybe we should try laying her down in it? And he immediately and vigorously said too soon! I was so relieved as I'm not ready yet either! My favorite part of the day is snuggling in next to her.

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