Saturday, 11 January 2014

Christmas Memories.

The year Steve and I got married I bought a blank journaling book called Our Christmas Memories; it's scrapbook-ish spanning a decade with pages each year for photos, Christmas cards, descriptions of special gifts and visitors. It's pretty much the closest to scrapbooking I get. 2013 marked the last one for this book and gosh the feelings I'm feeling when I leaf through it. I still have a lot (a lot a lot) of things to fill in but it's coming right along. Wugs woke up around midnight the other day with a cough attack (hate those!) and instead of making her go right back to sleep per usual, I let her stay up with me at the dining table as we pieced together a few pages. I'm so glad I've kept all the cards from friends; it's so sweet watching their own children grow each year and Mila was so excited to see them in their babyhood (yes they were babies too Wugs!). I'm happy I stuck with this little book. Now off to find a journal for the next ten. 

p.s. the first pic is of our first ever Christmas card (it took having a Wugs to turn us into Christmas card sending people)...the last pic is our most recent card :)

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