Thursday 16 July 2009

Naomi's shower

Tomorrow night some friends and I are throwing Naomi a bridal shower. It's a homemade dessert-and-drinks thing. This is what I am making (for what it's worth I already know I'm a lunatic and suffer from itakeontoomuchitis, common in women):

Strawberry-orange blossom marshmallows
Vanilla marshmallows
French-style yogurt cake with lemon
Fresh peach ice cream
Peaches in honey lemon syrup (Naomi's southern, hence the peaches)
This pie
Coconut cupcakes
& I'm trying to talk myself down from the ledge to not order the red velvet cupcakes from my favorite Napan cupcakery (isn't it awesome that such a word as cupcakery exists?!), Sift.

But looking this over, I'm thinking something is missing.
That's right.

Must remedy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it. i suffer from the same condition. and i think a bridal shower is the perfect occasion to indulge our womenly compulsions to take on WAY too much b/c the other women will totally appreciate it. the menu sounds amazing.