Wednesday 19 August 2009

A last hurrah

Before we're about to leave a place, Steve and I have a totally irresponsible, no-holds-barred tradition of getting all dolled up and going to a last-hurrah dinner at some extravagant place. In San Francisco we went to Chez Panisse on this occasion. In Phoenix, Binkley's. In Anchorage, Marx Brothers'--

I should stop, I'm drooling.

Tonight was Cyrus. I sat there and watched my husband, who never ceases to amaze me, eat the following scrumptions which in the past he's claimed to dislike:

poached salmon
black truffles

and I continued to watch, grinning, as he took bits of bread and sopped up the ragout--
facendo la scarpetta--because he loved it so.

We got treats, too, (salted caramels, brownies, sables) for the ride home, which I'm carefully coveting until...tomorrow? Maybe. What fun.

image by !Just In Time!

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