Welcome to The Littlest Art Gallery in the World. I took the contents of our 'love box' and turned them upside down, making little vignettes of the tangible aspects of our life together -
The Best Things Come in Two's (all the pairs of plane, movie, concert, theater, ballgame, etc. stubs over the years)
I Don't Care if We Get Lost, As Long As I'm With You
(maps from different hiking, camping, urban, and vacation adventures)
It All Began Here
(an embroidered transcription of my first love letter to him, and his to me. Warning, POSSIBLY VOMIT INDUCING from the sappiness of it all. They were work emails, way back when. Ohmygosh, I don't quite know how I feel about posting these. And I think Steve may up and die if he ever sees this.)Words of Love (all the cards we had written each other, strung up around the room in an off-kilter garland.)
+ then little nerdy things, framed, like the final bill from our honeymoon hotel (lots of room service charges!), and a napkin that Steve had written on during one of the early dates.
We relaxed and just enjoyed our day, ending our sorry state of being the last two people on Earth to have not seen Up (amazing! I was crying--hard--within the first ten minutes and the end found me sobbing too). Dinner out with anniversary cake back at home. Loving the same Anderson Valley pinot that we discovered last year on our 4th, spent in Mendocino--Steve had surprised me and ordered it.
I love these special days.
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