Leaf printing. I just got Wugs her own art journal, can't wait to watch it take shape!
Make spooky glowing cloud dough.
Cork and q-tip painting to make fall trees.
Make a fall nature mobile: acorns, fall leaves...
Surprise Mila with a fall leaf crown. See pictures of it here.
Pick apples. Pictures here!
Make applesauce. We made ours in the crockpot, it turned out great!
Go bobbing for apples.
Go indoor apple picking.
Make shaving cream painted fall leaves.
Apple stamping.
Surprise Mila with a giant yarn spiderweb she has to crawl/climb her way through.
Paint pumpkins.
Visit a pumpkin patch. Pictures here!
Make apple cider pancakes.
Go on nighttime walks when it starts getting dark at five pm (I love
this idea for a lantern to guide our way).
Bake apples in the crockpot.
Make pumpkin spice donuts.
Make cinnamon apple spice play dough with Wugs. We did this the other day, look at those pretty fall colors!
Make fall-colored sugar cookies in the shape of fall leaves.
Wrap Mila up like a mummy (she is gonna love this--you mean I can use all the toilet paper?!)
Make caramel lollipops.
Visit a corn maze.
Talk about and write down what we're thankful for (we plan on adding
this book to our collection).
Make our Halloween costumes.
Paint with
fizzing paint on the sidewalk.
Play in pumpkin guts while being blindfolded. I've tried this so many times; Wugs wants nothing to do with it. She'll paint her skin all day long if you let her but touch pumpkin guts? Go figure.
Make apple cider.
Paint with acorns.
Hang up preserved fall leaves--we did this last year...magical for Wugs and I, although the taller people in this household were grumbling about constantly walking into leaves :)
Do bubbly science experiments. (We made our jack-o-lantern erupt.)
Make apple pie.
Make pumpkin gingersnap parfaits.
Make a spooky ice bath for Wugs.
Glow-in-the-dark painting with Wugs.
Make a cornhusk doll for my girl. I got the instructions here.
Put on a shadow puppet show.
apple playdough.
leaf animals (via
Apple roll painting.
Side by side apple taste testing.
To be added and updated. Welcome fall (but
indian summer, you're welcome to stay a little longer too!)
Aaaaaaand some other things we did that weren't on the original list: Make a Wugs-sized scarecrow. Climb a pumpkin 'mountain' at a local grocery store one evening. Make apple cake after reading
this lovely book. Decorated gourds with feathers and googly eyes. Did
crayon drip art on a pumpkin. Make shrunken apple heads (these grew mold and I had to throw them away before being able to decorate with 'em.). Had 'dinner in a pumpkin' one night.
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