Wednesday 14 March 2012

Origami birds.

How timely, on the 101st anniversary of Akiro Yoshizawa's birth I'm posting pictures of our revamped origami crane mobile. Somehow this project, made when pregnant with Mila (see original pictures here), found its way to California and transplanted itself in our living room. Now I've added a few colored cranes into the mix but in looking at these pictures...and looking at the all-white one...I think I prefer the latter. I'm such a sucker for that clean and fresh look. Plus it's not like the color white stands a chance if it's anywhere near the ground, so I might as well take advantage of it with the ceiling decor, no?

p.s. I was going to write how Mila never seems to pull on the birds...until I tried to take a picture of the mobile and she came over, yanked on it, and took down 9 or so birds in the process. Well.

p.p.s. Yes. Absolutely. Those are Christmas lights hanging up on our walls. They're staying up there. 

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